Samir Bannout Lean Stack
REPLICA GH helps you optimize your hormone levels to stay in an anabolic state, build lean muscle mass faster, improve muscle fullness, and create roadmap vascularity that will undeniably turn heads. While LAVA's comprehensive 3-stage formula keeps working long after other fat burners stop. It is invaluable for weight loss, cutting, and preventing muscle loss through catabolism.

Stack Details
LAVA 196 is the ultimate 3-stage fat burner that not only packs an immediate punch but provides lasting results. In collaboration with Golden Era icon Samir Bannout, we modernized and brought back this unique formula he created and used during his prep for the 1983 Mr. Olympia win. More Details →
Directions: Take 3 capsules early in the morning

REPLICA GH is the ultimate anabolic formula that helps maximize muscle fullness and vascularity while preventing catabolism, even when cutting and in a caloric deficit. More Details →
Directions: Mix 1 scoop with 14-16 oz of water and drink immediately after your workout

Frequently Asked Questions
The potent yet natural ingredients in REPLICA GH allow you to get the results you want without the need for any type of PCT after you’ve finished a bottle.
Absolutely not. Whether you’re a bodybuilder, an elite athlete, or just someone looking to get in better shape and condition, you can achieve fantastic results from this product.
None of that stuff. Samir's formula helps your body make more.
This 3-stage formula that starts working as early as the first week of use. During the 1st week of use, you should start to notice thermogenesis and fat-burning beginning to take effect and your weight beginning to decrease. The results continue to amplify with each passing week. You will notice the best results when combining LAVA 196 with a results-driven training and nutrition program, and the other Samir Bannout Signature Series product: REPLICA GH for added help in the muscle strength, growth, and recovery departments.
Absolutely not. Whether you’re a bodybuilder, an elite athlete, or merely someone looking to get in better shape and condition, you can achieve fantastic results from this product.
In terms of helping burn abdominal fat. The potency of LAVA 196 helps burn your fat stores throughout the body. There is no product out on the market that can spot-reduce JUST the abdominal area. While body fat may be lost around the midsection, it will not strictly target that area but rather the whole body, helping create a lean and muscular physique.
More Questions?
If you have any questions about this product please feel free to get in touch. At Old School Labs™, we pride ourselves in the quality of our products and our customer service.